> Should I fix my car or buy a used one?

Should I fix my car or buy a used one?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You can leave no money down on a $20,000 car. Your payment would probably be $385 per month for 5 years. The $3,500 you may sink into a new engine would cover your entire first year of payments and headache free for at least the first 3 years.

I know making payments is annoying.. but it has to be better than $3,500 up front for a new engine on a car that will prob have some other issue soon anyway....

Tough one . . . . a comparable new car is gonna be $25K+ . . . . but you're also looking at "throwing good money after bad". Were it a low mileage car, I'd say spend the money repairs if you like it - - - - but at 100,000 miles I think I would sell it "as is" - hoping that a mechanic or other person who can do repairs themselves will give you a fair price. I would be afraid that - after spending $2k on it not long ago, you;ll have continuing problems: transmission, radiator, etc., etc. from all the taking-apart.

Sometimes repairs can become quite expensive and the vehicle gets less and less reliable. We recommend evaluating if it's worth keeping the vehicle financially speaking. Good luck!

Raul T.

Kia Social Team

Never put more money in a car than it is worth. Look for a good used car and use the $3500 to make your first years payments.

This poor thing got DEXCOOL DILEMMA big time! You can get a LAWYER over this and SUE GM! I have and WON! Read the DEXCOOLSETTLEMENT.com websites to see that nearly ALL GM ENGIENS made from 1996-2003 and even to 2005 ARE DEFECTIVE! DEXCOOL eats holes in INTAKE GASKETS and DISSOLVE GM plastic in RADIATOR Heater core, and INTAKE RUNNERS! You ALREADY P)AID for repairs! If they put DEXCOOL back into the car you will get RUINED A SECOND TIME! GM now uses AUDI PINK and ROSE PENTOSIN german coolants in MANY of it's cars! PRESTONE is ALSO a bad move! FEL=-PRO gets richer EVERY DAY as MORE and M ROE GM engines FAIL and need NEW INTAKE PARTS! SHAME on GM! BAD BAD company LOTS of LAWSUITS!1WHO DID THE WORK On it! GO BACK and SUE THEM! SUE GM for how they do things! As an ENGINE REBUILDER< I know most engines VIRTUES and FAULTS! teh 3.1 is a GOOD engine but needs UPDATING! Our new LOW SULFUR Fuels require DIFFERENT ENGINE PARTS and ALL GM engines made in that PERIOD OF TIME have BAD GASKETS and BAD coolant chemistry in them! I have GM engines with 250k MILES ON THEM< after I "EUROPEANIZE" THEM! I do NOT USE VALVOLINE or PRESTONE or GM plugs! ALL THAT GETS TOSSED OUT! Mobil one 0W_+30 oil and AUDI coolant goes in them GM NOW uses AUDI PINK COOLANT in new BUICKS and the CHEVY CRUZE DIESEL made by BMW for them! GM sells cars to get to 100k miles IF YOU ARE LUCKY! European, JAPANESE and FORDS make them to go to 350k miles and MORE if CARED FOR! It is ALL In the ENGINEERING and the intention of the CAR MAKER! OUI CAN GET LEGAL AID HERE! And NO buick repair costs $3500! DID YOUR BEARINGS SPIN OUT! What ACTUALLY happened to it! You are a GOOD GM buyer! They STILL Live by the TRADE IN every few years theory and do the 20-80 SPLIT as well! They EXPECT that 20 % of their cars will be NORMAL and the other 80% to be in the dealerships CONSTANTLY for repairs, RECALLS and more! it is a BAD way to do CAR BUSINESS! if YOU WERE IN michigan< i AM sure i CAN REpair WHAT YOU ALREADY HAVE FOR much less money! $3500 IS dumb AND RIDICULOUS! Usae car-parts.com fort good used engiens, but have A real TECHNICIAN INSTALL IT! Chances are that you have a bad air fuel: mixture from a clogged up IAC and throttle body and a new ENGINE will ALSO go bad quickly until the IAC and T body are showroom clean AND FREE OF TAR AND SLUDGE. I CAN HELP YOU from afar! rgmuske@yahoo.com! Next time get FORD and leave GM to unravel itself! They have NO good small engines, and NOW are using ZF GERMAN made trannies in their PRICIEST cars! Good luck!!MILLIONS of Gm lawsuits EVERYWHERE! more LAWYERS than ENGINEERS! <
I have 2001 Buick Century Classic. I had engine repairs already almost $2k 1.5 years ago - they did a shotty job and my engine blew again! I have to pay $3500 to replace engine, but comes with a lifetime guarantee from reputable shop. Its a bad time for me to buy a new car, I would rather wait and save money and not have car payments. the cars value is 1500-2000 (in running condition). I am torn, but leaning towards fixing it, as the rest of the vehicle is in good overall shape.