> Rpm at which gear should be shifted?

Rpm at which gear should be shifted?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
For normal driving you'll be shifting around 3000 rpm.

In general, running an engine with a larger throttle opening and at a lower rpm is the way to maximize fuel efficiency upon acceleration. Then be sure to cruise in the highest (numbered) gear that allows you to cruise without lugging the engine.

If you want to improve your fuel economy when accelerating, try shifting at lower rpm AND using more throttle as you accelerate. It seems counterintuitive at first to press the accelerator more to achieve better fuel economy, but what doing that does is reduce pumping (vacuum) inefficiency within the engine as you accelerate.

So you might try shifting at 2500rpm in every gear but make sure you give it more throttle (like 50%-75% throttle) to get to 2500rpm in every gear before you shift up instead of going light on the throttle pedal and letting the engine rev more. The car will still accelerate but you'll be running it at lower RPM in each gear (reducing inefficiency due to friction) and minimizing pumping losses by forcing the throttle to open more.

One other thing - there's no "exact" RPM you need to shift at. You don't need to stick to 3000 (or 2500) in first gear and 3800 (or 2500) in every other gear. You can shift at whatever RPM you want as long as the engine isn't dying/lugging and you aren't overrevving it by selecting to tall or too short a gear respectively.

usually above an rpm where the shift would bring your rpm dangerously low on upshifts or high on downshifts.

Every shift is 1000rpm so 3gear=3000 4=4000

Hi everyone i recently got pulsar 220F i shift from 1st gear to 2nd gear at 3000rpm and rest of the gear at 3800rpm. Is it good to shift at this rpm.can anyone tell me at which rpm i have to shift for maximum mileage.pls