> Removing some rust on car wheel?

Removing some rust on car wheel?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
With a few simple steps and common materials, it is easy to remove rust from rust on a car wheel. But it can be removed itself.

That is called the rotor (or wheel rotor), the part your sanding is fine to sand with anything you have handy. Just don't touch the vertical surface which the disk brake pads press on.

Do not do anything. every car will show rust even a few days with no use. drive car-- rust will clear shortly.

Do not

I am trying to remove some rust from my car. It is not actually on the wheel itself, but what the wheel attaches to (im not a car person). I have worked a bit on it by wetting the rust and basically sanding it with some aluminum foil. There has been some progress (before and after image should be attached to this question).

It hasnt been dramatically improved so I am wondering if there are better methods. e.g can i use steel wool, or is this too abbrasive? Are there any products anyone can recommend?
