> Question about windscreen chip repairs?

Question about windscreen chip repairs?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
What did they look like before they were repaired? Did they look the same after? Or are you saying they have reappeared?

If these chips are the same ones which were 'repaired', it's quite possible that you were deceived by one of the biggest misconceptions in laminated windscreen repair: heat. Many repairers (I use the word for ease of reference). They heat the break from inside the car which *expands* the glass (they say it helps the resin flow which is utter nonsense). The expanded glass closes the break and will, for all intents and purposes, 'look' repaired; in many examples it would have vanished. Dependent on ambient temperature and where the car is kept, the heated break will take time to cool down, and then it will reappear.

This is not a repair, but a con.

Another possibility could be that the break was contaminated, or had moisture in it, and the person attempting the repair did not dry it out properly before introducing the resin.

If you have the invoice, or if it was done via your insurer, check the terms and conditions to see where you stand. I'd need to know more before advising further or definitively.

Did you not see what you paid for they did not do, repairing the chips. If they did you should have a receipt to show they did. Or they are pulling your cheque book.

not normal

I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for here: http://www.astarautoglazing.co.uk/

I had two chips repaired four months ago. Today, I took my car for service and was told there are two chips in the exact same places, is there any way I can get them to do it for free.

Or is it normal for these chip repairs to sort of become chipped again?