> Police estimated car accident damage as $3000....but?

Police estimated car accident damage as $3000....but?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The police don't make repair estimates, car repair shops do. Everyone who thinks this is reidiclus doesn't matter only the professionals at the car repair shop matter.

Fix your can or don't, but don't whine like you and a bunch of college kids are like your an auto repair experts. Paint and body work is expensive, just is you so smart then repair your car yourself , or be a grown up and get a newer car.

I don't really understand what you're asking but when this happened to me in the UK I had to take the car to a vehicle test centre so they could confirm it was still good enough to drive and that was it but my car had less damage.

1st off, Police officers are NOT insurance adjusters.Hood scratched and dented, and no emblem? NO mechanical issues? Get a hood from the junkyard (along with an Infinity emblem) And replace them. Begs the question, a student of WHAT? Seems pretty ******* obvious to me.

If it is just damage to the hood, pick up another one at a wrecking yard or craigslist and have it bolted on. There were so many of those trucks around you should be able to find one the same color. A pathfinder hood should probably work also but the colors may not match

Police officers see a lot of damaged cars, but they aren't trained to estimate repair costs. Get an estimate from the shop. Better yet, if you can drive it as it is, get it insured for liability only.

rambling on like you are on meth. The title has nothing to do with the question and 90% of content is irrelevant.

I had an accident last year, and there was only cosmetic damage (dented hood, paint chipped off, front infiniti emblem fell off, light was broken - now repaired fully). The accident was not my fault (bad weather, poor visibility), but insurance wouldnt cover it since the damage was estimated to be more than the car was worth - and they said it was a write off, so I bought it back with the intention of fixing it up. My car is about 15-16 years old, Infiniti QX4, but it's in great shape, doesn't look its age, and I want to get it fixed up again. I had a new headlight put in after the original one broke, and the only things wrong with it now are the hood has a dent the size of a golfball, but only about 1cm deep - it does not affect the car at all mechanically, it just doesn't look pretty, some of the paint chipped off from where the other car hit me, and the front infiniti emblem fell off so its just an empty spot now. It works just fine, I run it every time I'm home (I live far away for University, so I'm not home often, but I want it fixed up so I can drive home instead of paying for a plane ticket every time I need to go home). It runs great, I just had a brand new alternator and battery put in 2 weeks before the accident in 2013, and its still in great shape.