> Pase need help asap! what is wrong with my car it wont start?

Pase need help asap! what is wrong with my car it wont start?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There are a lot of things required to start a vehicle and you FAILED to tell any one or more things that were or were not working when you tried to start the vehicle. If you can narrow it down a little as to why it won't start, we might be able to be of some assistance. Does the engine turn orver? Do you hear any sound when you turn the key to the "START" position. Do all of the dash lights go out when you turn the key? Does it just crank and never sound like it is trying to start?

Yeah you do not guess at what the problem is and start changing out parts. If it will start drive it to your local Auto Zone or any other parts store. They will test the starting system. It could be the alternator, the fly wheel. The battery that you just put in or the starter. My guess is that it is the alternator. But test it on the vehicle first

TTow iit tto a mmechhanic, and askk forr some simpplle tessts.

a new bater can gett discharrged. affter ggettingg it sstarted,

The allllterrrr natorr is supppposeddd to chchcharrrge it bakkkkk up. Orrr the sysstemmm self disschchargges beccause offff currrrent draww.....ffeelinx.

ccleann yourr connnections annd be surre the cabbles alllow currrent to returrnn to the bater.

When your ffirrst bater was dedd, it may have just beenn a low charrrge conddition.

Thatts why you neeed tessterrs whenn ddoinnng yourr ownn workk.

The mmmechannic ccan ttell if the alllter nattor is charrging fforr youuuuuuuuuuuuuu.

My frniendd

When it doens't start, is it clicking? nothing? turn over, no start?

Okkay so this is what happened,, my car was working fine, but then one day it didnt want to start so I just walked , then my daughter calledd me and said she started. It, then drove it and it was working fine,,, again then just a while ago i started it fine drove it fine parked at a place then went in for about a minute then came back out tryed to start it, it never started so we left it there for a week or so kept going to try starting it in that week never worked so we pulled it to my house with my friends truck and it sat at my house for about a month,,, not working,, got ahold of a friend who knows about cars told us it was the starter so he took it tto his ddad to fix it and his dad sais that it wasnt the starter, my frniend said it was the batery not holding a charge and that we need a new battery so I got a new one and droooed it in it startes first thing ,,, it worked for one day and stoped at a house to deliver and it hasbt starrted so we towed to a place for now ,,, but its not the starte or the baterey so what can it be???? Need to know please so I know how much im spending,,, and if it is even worth it ,,,, but my car is a 1995 newyorker if that helps too