> POLL : Manual or Auto transmission?

POLL : Manual or Auto transmission?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I personally don't see the point in manual transmissions. It's so much more work imo.

Which do you prefer?

"It's so much more work imo."

In my opinion it's not work but rather it adds to whole driving experience. I agree with Sonny that in stop n' go traffic, a stick shift can become tiresome but at any other time, I much prefer to row my own gears rather than letting an automatic decide for me.

All 6 of my vehicles have been sticks and they will continue to be into the foreseeable future.

that to me depends on if there is heavy traffic that i would be stuck in. traffic jam and pumping a clutch gets very old very fast. but get out of town and drive some twisting country roads the stick is fun

Manual because you feel more in control.

I have the best of both worlds. My vehicle runs a tiptronic Transmission. This means when I'm in Drive I can push the shifter to the right and it goes into manual mode where I control the up and down shifts by either pushing the stick forward or pulling it backward.

It's very similar to an inline racing transmission when in manual mode.

For actual driving on an open road - manual stick shift. For just getting through traffic to a destination - automatic. Once you can drive a car manual transmission, it's easy to transition from one to the other as needed, so it's a good skill to have regardless of which type of car you buy. Most rental cars outside North America have manual gearboxes, and you would need to special-request and pay extra for an automatic rental car.

I prefer a manual. They are fun to drive, whereas an automatic is boring to me. On the practical side, you have more input into the car's performance, such as downshifting to slow down or descend a hill, performance & fuel mileage are better, less maintenance, and I will never have the expense of having an automatic transmission rebuilt. You can also push start a manual if you have to.

I've never driven a manual so automatic

I was weened on a manual or standard transmission. The things I like about that is that you can gear down when you need to slow down and when the battery dies it is easier to jump start a standard. Also, if you fall asleep in a standard the car will jerk or stall when it slows down. Unfortunately about 90% of cars come with automatic transmissiions these days.

young people like to shift old people do not .

Automatic .......

I personally don't see the point in manual transmissions. It's so much more work imo.

Which do you prefer?