> Open container in my car ! I didn't know it was there . Didn't belong to me . I had let my brother borrow the ca

Open container in my car ! I didn't know it was there . Didn't belong to me . I had let my brother borrow the ca

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I had let my bother borrow the car a day before I didn't know the container was there what should I do ?

If you mean you got a ticket for an open container of alcohol, if the container was empty, then the ticket is totally bogus. You can have hundreds of open containers that once had alcohol in them, on the way to recycle them. So tell us more about what open container? Where was it and what was in it?

It is perfectly legal to fill an old beer can with lemonade and drive out of it while driving.

But we need to know precisely what you are talking about?

If sh*t were music you'd be a brass band.

Tell your sad story to the judge then never let your drunk brother near your car again.

Remove it.

I had let my bother borrow the car a day before I didn't know the container was there what should I do ?