> Newb question:Im not sure if I touched car battery acid and concerned about it(pic included)?

Newb question:Im not sure if I touched car battery acid and concerned about it(pic included)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
it would also help to clean the terminals by damnpening them with water and applying liberal amounts of baking soda. let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse it off. you could also put a 1:1 baking soda water mix in a cup and let the cables sit in it for the same time period. This is all to keep battery acid from contaminating your hands in the future, ofcourse. If you rinsed you're hands should be fine.

No big problem.

A good rinse for battery acid residue is warm water with a little baking soda mixed in.

Hi washed with plenty of water no problem.

Well just wash the area of the body work you touched but if you washed you hands before touching the bodywork where's the problem

I think you need to go to the doctors, you seem to have a condition where you are terrified to damage anything you touch.....looking back at your previous questions.

Lighten up and stop worrying so much.

I was topping up windscreen fluid and noticed that the battery area of the car looks dirty(top of the battery,which to me it seems like dirt) so I wiped it off with my hands, then it clicked inside my head about hearing battery acid can actually damage car paint so I quickly cleaned off my hands with water and lastly was closing the bonnet.

The picture shows what the car of the engine bay looks like and the highlighted area is where I touched(top view).

I'm concerned about damaging the car paint due to closing the bonnet with my hands which (May) contain battery acid