> Nail in tyer?

Nail in tyer?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You may have had that nail in the tire for months - sometimes they never leak or leak so slowly you hardly notice. Hardcut nails seem to be more prevalent than you might think - I know I have lost at least one tire to those type nails over the years.

Rear tires are usually the ones that get the nails too - the front tire bounces the nail from laying flat and the rear tires hits it while it is on the move.

Try it yourself with a hammer and nail. It is not that easy. Horseshoe nails are square...I believe. You got it when you got it. That is why you have a spare tire.

. Me, I get lucky and get short screwdriver bits out of multi bit screwdrivers into my tire....one on the Alaska Hwy. .... and one 500 miles from the nearest town on a dirt highway in the outback of Australia.

. It just happened to be at the right angle and your tire rolled over it. That simple.

. People find it easier setting your car on fire than putting a nail in the tire.

It's just bad luck, you wouldn't notice the nail being run over at any speed.

do you mean tire?

Went to my garage today to get the nail out. When he showed me it had a square head thick top thin at the bottom. He said it was industrial. When I looked on the internet it come up as masonery nails. What would theses be used for ? Are they builders nails ? Also I was out one night driving 10 to 15mph through our estate as there three bends and can't drive to fast for fear of another driver coming round the same time. Anyway I heard a bump from the rear and thought I'd run an animal over as cars love hiding under cars at night. Anyway would that of been the nail going in with the speeds above our just a drain or pothole. I only ask as the wheel would of rotated loads before this point and an wondering in the nail was put there by someone. Also if the nail was placed under the wheel by someone surely slow reversing would have just made it fall as I reverse slowly as there's normally a car behind as we have a three car only parking bay. I can understand going at speed how a nail can get caught as it's a split second flip by the front then in at the back. I think I'm getting paranoid about the whole thing really. I could of picked it up weeks ago but as it's my first ever nail I keep think when where and how. I have been passing road works whilst shopping I think there doing gas mains in the street would they use nails ?