> My tire has a slow leak and leaks worse when it's cold or raining. how do I fix it?

My tire has a slow leak and leaks worse when it's cold or raining. how do I fix it?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You can either by fix a leak or get it patched or buy a new tire just depends on how big the leak is tho

We can have leak fixed at a tyre depot or use propriety leak sealers. These get injected via air valve and spread inside tyre to seal an leak. Bear in mind valve will become useless after using so it's temporary fix.

buy a new tire.. if the leak is in the tread you can patch it with a kit. but if it is in the side wall then time for a new tire. bewarned this tire can blow at any time and murphy's law dictates it will happen on the freeway at 70mph in between two semi trucks.. So get it fixed..

I got mine patched for $10 at the used tire shop. Now I don't have to worry about it. You didn't go to anyone who could fix your tire, so you're asking us what you should do. If you want to learn how to fix tires, watch them fix it at the shop. Maybe they'll talk to you while they work to help you understand the procedure.

Any tire shop can inspect it and patch if it's safe to do so.