> My tire came off the rim and I don't have enough money to fix it and I can't go anywhere, what should I do?

My tire came off the rim and I don't have enough money to fix it and I can't go anywhere, what should I do?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Don't drive until you can get it fixed. Walk or catch the bus. If you live out in the sticks, then borrow the money or get a friend to do it for you for free or in exchange for a favour; or cadge lifts off somebody for now.

See if you can buy a cheaper, pre-mounted tire, from a vehicle that has wheels that would fit your vehicle--the junk yard would be able to help you determine if it would fit).

You might also consider getting a recapped tire or a used tire.

Likely your own tire is ruined if it fell off of the rim.

if the tire is on the rim then take some either and spray between the rim and the tire and light it on fire and it will compress back to the rim then u hurry and put air in it. you can usally find this kind of info on youtube

Don't you have a spare tire to get you by?

If you can't afford to fix a flat tire, you should probably stay at home !

Fit your spare tyre.

if the bead became unseated but still in the rim, id jack it up , apply soapy water to the bead and inflate it. compressors are ideal for this since it may take a bit of air to get this to work. i have fixed a flat in my living room a time or two.

You should be able to get a used tire for $20-$30 if you have someone to give you a ride

If you're a girl sell your body for sex. If you're a guy start walking!

Dust off your Shwinn and pump up the tires.

Ask for help,I'm sure there will be someone who will give you a hand.

Use the spare wheel

From what you have said, you won't be driving. Nothing any of us can do about it.

ADDED @ whoever gave me the thumbsdown.......OK genius, what do you suggest I tell this person who is hundreds or thousands of miles away . . . . what should I tell them if they cannot get there tire repaired.....sprout wings? Idiot.

Get a job

Get a job

Get a job

buy a used tire and wheel from a used auto parts shop.

Put your spare tire on. or ask someone to barrow money and you will pay them back when you get payed

Use the spare wheel

Fit your spare tyre.

Get a job

Fit your spare tyre.

Use the spare wheel

Fit your spare tyre.

Fit your spare tyre.

Use those magic things that jut out of your butt, called legs.

Fit your spare tyre.

Try walking.

these boots are made for walkin.