> My son is embarrassed to drive a car with a broken windshield and missing doors.?

My son is embarrassed to drive a car with a broken windshield and missing doors.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If the car runs fine and you think it's safe & legal top drive, then YOU drive it to work and give your son the other car. Otherwise, buy him a good bicycle.

Try to do a search on Google, maybe that will work out

you do realize its illegal to drive in that condition don't you ?

he is going to be ticketed for a bad windshield and unsafe operation of a motor vehicle and have the car towed if he drives it on public roads . If you don't ware about that consider this --- the missing rear door also makes it so all of the gases that cone from the exhaust are puled into the vehicle and he can DIE or carbon monoxide poisoning by driving it

do you care if your son dies or gets arrested ? get it fixed or get a better car for him , even a bus pass is better than that crappy van

You let him drive this thing with your young daughter in it? Totally wrong.

Please go to the following link: https://www-odi.nhtsa.dot.gov/VehicleCom... so you can put in your pertinent information and ask the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration if it is safe to drive the car because SAFETY is the top priority. Perhaps they have a program that can help you get the vehicle up to safety standards if they deem it unsafe. If you are not comfortable with this, call them and/or your local Department of Motor Vehicles and ask them. Tell then EXACTLY what you told us. Please edit your response as to the outcome. Thank you.


I would be more worried about him being stopped by the police. Tell him you can't afford another car and he has to catch the bus or get a lift from a friend.

Andy C

Fix the passenger door and tailgate first of all. You can easily find a cheap passenger door and tailgate at the junkyard. If the windshield is cracked, leave it as is, but if part or all of it is missing you can find a cheap one at the junkyard. I'm pretty sure that most of what you mentioned is illegal. After fixing said items then tell your son 'tough' and make him drive it to school.

I have a slight feeling that this is a troll question, but forgive me if because of your incompetence as a parent you really would make your son drive this van as is.

Idk if anyone has ever seen a jeep without doors? They Arnt illegal, and neither is no doors on a truck. Broken windshields are illegal to drive with though, but no one cares as long as it isn't your whole windshield.. just put a strait pipe exhaust on it and tell him it's a hustlers car lol. But if he is selfish enough to say he won't go to school anymore on the fact that you Wong buy him a car, then he does not deserve a car.

Sorry, but without doors it isn't really roadworthy.. and depending on the cracked windshield and other things you probably haven't told us about... it might be even more un-roadworthy.

I suspect a troll here - nobody with a brain would think it's legal to drive a car with two missing doors and a broken windshield. You have him driving his sister around in that do you? Nonsense. The first time a cop would see a minivan with no hatch or passenger side slider he would pull you over and have the vehicle impounded.

Nice try.

I go to work early in the morning so the only car my son can drive to school is our dodge caravan. The car runs fine but the only problem is the windshield is broken, and the back part (the tail gate), and the passenger door are missing. Otherwise it is okay. My son said that he is embarrassed to drive to school in it though and that also it is not safe, and also a moldy smell comes from the carpet where the water seeps in. He said that if I don't get a different car for him, he will not go to school anymore. I really can't afford another car though and my son is not understanding my problem. He also cannot ride the bus because he has to drop my daughter off to daycare (far away) before he goes to school.

The passenger door is missing?? I think it should be fixed first of all

I wouldn't be to concerned about him being embarrassed , I would be more concerned about the safety of my children , especially the one going to daycare .

Hahahahaha, make a cardboard door lol, it works, he' ll feel safer