> My peugeot 206 cambelt has snapped! help!?

My peugeot 206 cambelt has snapped! help!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The car has whats known as an interference engine. If the cam belt snaps or jumps the pistons will hit the valves in the cylinder head. So as well as the cam belt being replaced the head needs to come off, and the bend valves replaced.

By the time you add in labour and all the parts, yeah it's expensive.

Call the garage, they will be able to arrange to tow truck to get the vehicle to the workshop for a sensible price or may have their own recovery trailer to move your car.

BTW, cam belts need to be changed, usually after ~100,00km OR 10 years. It's not optional on an interference engine.

You not only have to ask if the broken cambelt could have damaged the engine, but also whether some more serious engine problem could have been what caused it top snap in the first place. Until a mechanic actually gets under the bonnet of the car and identifies the problem, it is impossible to predict what will need to be done, or how much it could cost. You might just need a new cambelt - or you might need a new engine.

You'll be lucky if the engine is still serviceable at all. If a mechanic says he'll fix it for £500, bite his arm of, although I suspect he'll want more when he sees how much damage has been done. When a cambelt breaks the engine sustains a lot of damage, you're probably looking at major engine surgery, probably not worth it in such an old car.

For all practical purposes the car is now scrap.

Ianab has answered your question. If market price of your car in working condition is £1,000 or less I suggest you simply scrap it and get a new one.

at first glance, the cambelt is still in place, but underneath some teeth seem to have come off. would anyone know how much damage to the engine/valves this would have caused, i was only travelling at around 25 - 30 mph when it happened, then all of a sudden my engine cut out, and slowly my battery drained to flat.

my main problem is that the car is stuck outside my house, with no way of pushing or towing to a garage! i dont know how to go about this!

how much will this roughly cost to repair/replace? ive spoken to one mechanic and he said probably around £400-500?! is it more complicated than changing a cambelt that hasnt snapped?

any help and advice would be so helpful, im not sure where to go from here... its my first car, i dont know much about cars to start with, im so worried about getting ripped off!
