> My petrol keeps going really quickly.?

My petrol keeps going really quickly.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
To use that amount of fuel means your car is doing less than 15 to the gallon. Either you have afuel leak or a very serious problem with the car or you are not keeping track of the fuel usage per mile properly which I suspect is the real situation.

Fill the tank till the pump will not let anymore in and take a note of your mileometer reading.

Some days later after using the car normally go fill it up again and take a note of the milage reading AND how many litres it takes to fill the tank.

Now deduct the low miles from the high miles to get the miles covered between fill ups

Take the litres and divide by 4.54 to tell you how many gallons it has taken to do those miles.

Divide those miles by the number of gallons to get what miles per gallon your car is really doing.

Going for fuel every £10 worth used is also using fuel (and your time) for no good reason. Aim to fill up when it is on about a quarter full and save all the trips and stopping and starting at the petrol station.

What sort of driving are you doing? IF you are only driving short distances in a city, you will NEVER see good mileage! Don't forget that the 500 may be small, but it's a REAL PORKER in terms of vehicle weight - 1300Kg or so, rather more than my rather bigger Alfa-Romeo 75.

Brim the tank, and zero the trip-meter. Drive until you see half-full on the gauge. Fill up again, and note how many litres this takes. See how many miles per litre you get.

Keep tyre pressures correct . Keep windows closed. Use 5w-30 fully synthetic oil, replace spark plugs at recommended time together with the air filter. Read the road and avoid heavy braking or acceleration. Drive as though a glass of milk were on the bonnet. If this doesn't help trade it in for the diesel version. 76 mpg. See link.

lots of things can cause poor mileage.

dirty or corroded spark plugs,

idle set high,

timing off,

clogged air filter, etc.

the only way to know is to have it serviced.

hopefully, a simple tuneup will do it.

I have a Fiat 500, 2009. And my fuel seems to go really quickly. I put £10 in and it barely lasts 1 day and i only do 20-25 miles maximum. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas on why only I'm a really sensible driver so i really don't understand.