> My mechanic is such a sexist ****! Pisses me off. What to do?

My mechanic is such a sexist ****! Pisses me off. What to do?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do not get mad. here is what you do. Go on youtube and type car repair and learn about cars. how to repair them. I am not saying to Fix your own car but get a general knowledge about car repair. Especially learn about what service he will preform on your car. This way when he starts up you can talk a little bit about the car repair with some knowledge about it and this will confuse him because he will not xpect it then just turn and go do what you normally do. you will not have to say anything about the fact you are a woman or anything else that could offend him. remember not to get mad no matter what because you can learn a lot about car repair and you could have someone else repair it because you just don't want to and this will ensure you do not get taken for a ride for a car repair. Just remember that knowledge is power

I would just get a new vehicle lease or buy new vehicle whatever you can get right. Forget about that worker if something does not feel right then that is your intuition red flag that something will eventually go down. The repairs may seem cheap and worth it now, but guaranteed sooner or later you will get a surpise whopper of a charge for some major repair down the road and his attitude right. And if you must stick with your used vehicle then just go with another mobile mechanic or go to a local service station for the next service (if and whenever it comes). I am assuming your attitude is not the problem. If its not the problem then go with another mechanic. There are millions out there !

You can either laugh at his stupidity (secretly) or time to look for another one. Car mechanics is not rocket science and he can't be the only good one. Honest, competent and affordable ones are hard to come by though.

Ah, we all have our Crosses to bear. Where in Hell is this? I can remember stuff like this from 50 years ago. And by the way, Don't you know why Gawd put you here?

You choice a mechanic who pi55es you off but fixes your car cheap

or a mechanic who pi55es you off and charges you an arm and a leg for fixing your car.

Sorry a third option, learn how to fix your car yourself and cut out the middle person.

When you go there and he starts in just tell him you don't like being put down for being a woman.

Always remember that some knowledge is freaking dangerous! What you learn on U-Tube is not as complete as a Helm Overhaul and Repair manual for a specific car.

You could always give him a ********! That way he'd be way more friendly and actually look forward to oil changes in the future!

Just put up with it a good mechanic that doesnt cost an arm and a leg is hard to find

Simple: Go somewhere else to get your car fixed, or smile and live with it instead of proving him right.

My mechanic is really good at what he does, always fixes my car issues quickly and for under $50 almost every time. BUT every time I take my car to him to get worked on, he talks sh!t to me about being a woman. He is serious too. A real jerk about it.

Like I went to get an oil change the other day and he goes "Im not saying you're dumb when it comes to cars and you don't know anything 'cause you're a woman..... haaha. Okay! Yes, I AM SAYING you don't know about cars because you're a woman!" Then he winks at me and laughs his *** off like that makes things better?

WTF can be done about this? He's a good mechanic and does great work otherwise, but everytime I go to him he makes me feel like a sh*thead "because I'm a woman" --

Do it back to him unfairly just enough to get his attention.

Then let him think you are interested. then ignore him and act like a total rag.

even if he fixes your car properly, you don;t agree, and take out some fault in his workmanship, he will be busy in thinking about his workmanship and will not bother you.
