> My dryer stopped working. When I place it on a setting and hit start it just hums.?

My dryer stopped working. When I place it on a setting and hit start it just hums.?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
There is a belt that runs off an electric motor . Either that belt is slipping , become derailed or is broken .

Not that difficult a repair , the only pain in the @ss is that you will have to disassemble the sheet metal housing to gain access .

Either replace the belt, or "call the man!"

Search through you tube. I'll bet you'll find a tutorial of your particular model!

Doubt its a belt issue, call the man!!!!

Plus this is automotive section!!!!!

Right - 99.99% odds that the it's the belt . . . . lots of "how to" instructionals online - get your model number (maybe serial number too) and start lookin'.

Tip: the belt will pass over an "idler wheel": most times, the idler wheel is about to wear out at about the same time as the belt - - - replace - or have it replaced - at the same time while the machine is apart.