> My dealer didn't give me a wheel lock nut key?

My dealer didn't give me a wheel lock nut key?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It is almost a year since I bought by car from the honda dealer, today I notice. I never got a wheel lock nut key. Is it too late to call them?

look in the owners manual or glove box for it

so you haven't bother to rotate your tires for a year. really smart idea there.

Call them

take the car to a reputable tire shop. they will be able to remove them with a little effort..

You'll never know until you do.

It happened to me too, but I took the car back in one week. They tried to look for the key, but they lost it so they have to destroy all the lock nuts and install new ones at no charge.

1 year sounds like a long time. But dealers will try to get you come back in their dealership like every 3 months for maintenance. If they don't even try to help you, then tell them you wont be seeing them anymore.

I would call them to ask for the key, but it might not be their obligation to provide you with one depending on the nature of the purchase. If they were supposed to give you one in the first place, then you should have no trouble calling them.

Give them a call and see what they say. If they do say no, you could try get another one.

It is almost a year since I bought by car from the honda dealer, today I notice. I never got a wheel lock nut key. Is it too late to call them?