> My date of birth?

My date of birth?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 

If this is regarding a Photo Licence the Drivers Licence Number will be

First 5 letters of surname

DOB 1st(---01-) June(-06---) 1996(9----6) would be 906016

Andy C

October 3, 2014

Check your birth certificate for the details.

With the info from this question I'm going to guess it was about 7 years ago.

Find your birth certificate!

It will be on your birth certificate, or if you can't find that, ask mom, she was there so she probably knows.

That would be the day you were born.

Look on your id or ask your parents

Is this the president?

Answer: It depends which paperwork you read.

I'm going with.......Yesterday.

IF you do not know this, you should not be born.