> My car sounds like an airplane from the inside?

My car sounds like an airplane from the inside?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Open your hood with the engine running and see of the sound is coming from there. A loose or badly worn belt (or some other things) can cause a sort of jet-engine whine. Have someone rev the engine a little while you listen.

You have quite a story and in it all you say there is little that would help. I don't know what a airplane sounds like in your car and no one on here can either.

What sort of airplane?

Crop duster, Boeing 747, B52 bomber?

Less of your life story and a better description of the noise might help.....

I think airplanes sound cool, so let it keep on sounding like an airplane!

It sounds like you have at least one bad wheel bearing. Check them all.

Have it checked out..

Okay, let me first give some background information. When I bought my car I didn't have a job yet so I had limited funds. When I got it I needed to buy 2 tires but couldn't afford it, needless to say I ran my front two tires bald. I saved up enough to change the two of them, (got a job shortly after getting the car) & the people at the auto shop put the brand new tires on the back and put the "newer" (the guy I bought the car from replaced them recently) on the front. Over time my car sounded like something was grinding on the front passenger tire. I ignored it longer than I should have and it kinda messed something up, not sure what. Never had it checked. Anyhow a few weeks go by and I replaced the last tire and my car still sounds like the passenger tire is grinding. My mom says it sounds like an airplane from the inside, yet you can't hear it outside the vehicle. I think I may have gotten used to the noise. Bad I know. I'm stupid and should have gotten it looked at early on but I procrastinated. Anyhow, any guesses on what it could be? Don't be too harsh. I just need it fixed asap and I don't want to pay a huge diagnostic fee if I can at least get an idea of what it is before I spend the money. I hope this makes sense to someone.