> My car shakes when i accelerate over 35 mph?

My car shakes when i accelerate over 35 mph?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
You likely bent the wheel, take it to a tire store and have them put that wheel on a balancer to see if it's bent.

you may have bent your wheel. look for creases at the impact area. there should be some marks. rims today are pretty weak and bend easily. you probably just need to replace the rim. Go to a tire store. it's cheaper than the dealer.

Hey queen,

I'm sorry to hear that you are experiencing difficulties with your Malibu. I cannot guarantee anything and am not properly trained to offer technical advice, but I will be glad to look further into your concerns. Please send us an email to socialmedia@gm.com if we cab be of any assistance. We look forward to hear from you!

Kristen A. (Assisting)

GM Customer Care

When you take it to the dealer i would ask them specifically to check over my "front end", for it to swerve that bad i would think it would be a front end component, are all your tires in decent shape? sometimes a certain side will be worn more than the other if it is that side will pull your car drastically sometimes depending how worn

Okay SO.. Last weekend i almost hit a dog while driving when it was raining. to avoid the animal i swerved hard lefts & rights and went up on the side walk a little.

I drive a 2008 Chevy malibu btw.

NOW, the front of my car as well as my steering wheel shakes when i drive 35 mph+. I am going to take the car to a Chevy dealer to look at it tmrw but in the mean time could someone give me an idea of what could have happened? & the expense to fix it? :( thanks