> My car jerks when I'm on the brakes!?

My car jerks when I'm on the brakes!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
What could that possible be? Every time I stop at a red light or anything else red. It start jerking, like its tempted to go on it's own.

Possibly the rotors need to be machined or replaced.

For the best brake work go to somewhere in the mountains. The guys there work on their own brakes, of course, and the ones who do it wrong can't stop when driving down the mountain, and fly off the road and die. Only the good brake mechanics remain alive.

Sounds like it might be idling a bit too high, so it's fighting against the brakes.

Your car has warped brake rotors.

Hi so it needs attention time to dig deep and get it fixed.

the car , highway to hell, its a lincoln continental devil car trying to ram you off the road .

It needs to see a sex doctor

What could that possible be? Every time I stop at a red light or anything else red. It start jerking, like its tempted to go on it's own.