> My car feels hard to drive?

My car feels hard to drive?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Running out of gas in modern cars is a real no-no.

There is a fuel pump in the gas tank that is electric. It is cooled by the gas in the tank. When the fuel light comes on, it is warning you that the fuel level is getting too low to properly cool the pump.

If you allow the fuel level to drop much further, the pump may start to overheat.

If the pump overheats, it may continue to function.

But, in some cases the pump may be damaged, and may begin to get noisy, and even in some cases, begin to intermittently fail.

The symptom is noise and/or intermittent stalling.

Eventually the pump may fail altogether.

For this reason, it is wise to keep one's fuel level above the fuel light warning level, and to avoid ever running out of gas. Replacing the pump can be quite expensive on some cars, as the tank may need to be removed to replace the pump.

Of course, my information may not apply, and it may e something else entirely. The only way to be sure is to take the car in for diagnosis.

My suggestion is always to the dealership, as they have the OEM (original) parts rather than after-market substitutes. You might pay a little more, but I think it is worth it to have your car working as the manufacturer intended.

Good luck, and I hope I am wrong about the pump.

Could be the transmission.

We can't guess online. Car needs to be inspected. We can however say that the issue involves more than your oil change light bulb.

Go to an auto shop and make them check it out.

I recently ran out of gas but I put in gas after that an it drove fine. Yesterday it said I was on about half of a quarter tank and it started to slow down and acted like it ran out I gas. I pulled over shut the car off then turned it on again and it was fine. Today it feels like it won't drive as fast like I have to push harder on the gas and the steering wheel feels a little stiff. I don't know anything about cars so. It's an alero by the way and the oil change light has been on but idk if that could be it