> My car engine is not getting enough gas to start it?

My car engine is not getting enough gas to start it?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
My car will turn over and all the lights come on but I was told by someone who tried to help me that the motor isn't getting enough gas. What could the problem be?

The problem COULD be the fuel pump but you need to check for spark and injector pulse first to make sure the crankshaft sensor is working. THEN you check the fuel pressure to see if the pump is working. The timing belt may have jumped etc. You don't just want to throw an expensive fuel pump at the problem until you do that first or you're wasting money!

Sorry to hear you are having a starting problem with your vehicle.

You may want to consider having the vehicle diagnosed by a trusted mechanic or local auto service shop to determine what is wrong with your vehicle.


Customer Care

Chrysler Group LLC

Did whoever " someone" is prove that by connecting a fuel pressure tester or shooting some starting fluid or fuel into the intake and see if it starts briefly? Since this just takes a couple of minutes you could easily do that.

"Someone?" Sounds like a guess to me. Much like the "name" you elected to use, this posting is mysterious, generic, nebulous and misinformed. Cars are HUGELY complicated devices. To be certified the nation's accredited organization as to auto mechanics, the American Society of Engineers (ASE), a person must attend an accredited and certified auto technician school, pass each course satisfactorily, be monitored and evaluated, must practice hands on, must be tested at each phase and then pass a certification test. To ask here is indicative that you, as 99.999999% of the US population, have no clue. The problem can be anything. That is why most people that have cars take their vehicles to a certified mechanic. I suggest you do the same. There is no alternative.

that someone speakem dingy dingy. go to a reliable mechanic and get it checked out. it could be almost anything. these shadetree mechanics are full of it..


My car will turn over and all the lights come on but I was told by someone who tried to help me that the motor isn't getting enough gas. What could the problem be?