Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Well if no one saw anything, there is nothing you can do but buy new tires & perhaps by some video cameras & place them in different locations to see who messes with your vehicles & have some pointed away so you can see where they disappear to(Perhaps a close neighbor if you see them enter a house)

You might want to get a cheap wireless security camera setup, and put one camera watching your truck, and another watching the entry to the driveway and the first lane of the road, so you can see a license number. The unit that records them usually switches back and forth between cameras every few seconds. They function in low light, and even infra-red, so they photograph at night.

Good luck catching them. I hope you do!

When this happens either you mad someone mad or it was a random act. There is always someone out there that does these things sometimes out of anger or for fun. Either way get a camera to watch your truck at night.

huge bummer.

set up security cams; lights


prob is, perp may be watching, so keep that in mind; might see you set up cams.

I would ask your neighbors. Where I live last year, car tires were being slashed every night, including a dealership. When they slashed the dealership tires, they were able to finally find out who did it because of monitor cameras. If it is happening a lot in your neighborhood, perhaps the police can start watching more. Maybe just drive around the neighborhood more. Did you call your insurance company? Some insurances with comprehensive coverage will cover them if they were slashed. I feel so bad for you. Tires are SO expensive.

................... and a low light security camera too.

Think about you you pissed off in the last few weeks, dating a new girl with a jealous ex-bf.

I spent $1200 on new tires last month, so I'm beyond aggravated . So, this morning I woke up to find that both my rear tires were slashed. (My truck is parked in the driveway.) I already filed a police report, and had my truck towed but I still want to find out soon who this ****** is. Thankfully it was Sunday and have work off.

Any thoughts on where I should proceed from here?