> Love bug guts on my windshield, lights & bumper. How do I get it off?

Love bug guts on my windshield, lights & bumper. How do I get it off?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
SOS Brillo pad on glass and chrome., comet works good on paint is like a mild polishing, Simple Green all porpoise cleaner for tires engine and interior, also will sifting up them dried up bugs,,,

With a can of coke and a nylon stalking on your hand, it works great but you can't leave that coke on your paint.

soap and water and a rag

you KILLED ! HERBIE th LOVEBUG ? you bastards

I came back from Miami yesterday and ended up having a ton of love bugs aim at my car. Now their dried guts are on my bumper and windshield. I have what I need for my front bumper. But how do I get the dried bug guts off my windshield?