> Lever of automatic car?

Lever of automatic car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If your friend was able to do that, the interlock is already broken, or out of adjustment.

It won't break anything inside the transmission. Make sure that you are fully stopped before moving from Reverse to Drive, or Drive to Reverse, or Reverse to Park.

(In cars with working interlocks that I've tested, you can move from Drive to Neutral without pressing the button, but can't move into Reverse. That's handy to know: if your gas pedal gets stuck, you can push the transmission into Neutral safely, and pull off of the road with full power brakes and steering before you shut off the engine.)

In my car, the lever won't move without pressing the button. Some newer cars don't have buttons, but if it has a button on the handle, you're probably supposed to press it.


You only need it when you move from P to R, R to N. N to R and R to P. After that you do not touch it.

Andy C

Surprised the lever moved at all. You may break the detent in the lever but not the gearbox.

Don't let children play with real cars is the answer.

It won't break the gearbox, as the lever is just a large switch.

It could break the lever.

Well it won't do it any good, by the sound of it there is already wear there.

The button is only needed for some changes and if not pressed it will simply just not move so no damage can be done

a friend of mine bought an automatic car and didn't know that when you change gears from park to reverse to neutral etc that you must press the lever button in to make it slide easier and instead was not pushing the button in and changing it from park to reverse etc. Can you break the gear box that way?