You are quite the drama queen! I pray for your ability to become a functioning member of society. It is society that needs to worry, not you.
Yes, there's a bomb, but it's well hidden. Don't worry, when it goes off you won't even know what hit you.
If you think you gave some a good reason to do it, i might worry. Why dont you look?
Check your windows the next time you leave your car. Are you blonde?
So I drove to schooll for the first time today... And I guess I accudnealy rolled one of my windows down..
Well anyway I came to get in my car after school andy saw it was a little unrolled.
I'm really creeped out. I mean I remember locking it.. And don't remeber unrolling a window.
But now I'm scared someone like put a bomb in my car or something through the window..
Should I worry.?