> Learning how to set of in a manual car?

Learning how to set of in a manual car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes you have the basics down right.

They use a 'tachometer' to measure the engine's RPMs and shift at or just before 'red line" on the tach.

There are millions of drivers in the UK that do this many times each day. What on earth makes you think that you are so special theay YOU will not be able to learn how to do this with your instructors help

Those 4 steps, I do the same.

Test drivers to get quickest time? I shift at 1000~1500 rpm over the max torque rating of engine. On normal driving on the streets about 3000+/- 300 rpm depends on motor. Smaller the motor the higher the rpm to shift. because the need for more torque to move the car..that's how I do it.

basically. the general idea is your left and right feet go in opposite directions. it takes practice. when my dad taught me how to drive we did a lot of starting and stopping, because the rest is easy in comparison.

for most cars, unless you need maximum performance, you shift up at about the "right" rpm. which takes experience. in my old vw jetta (redline 5500 rpm) i'd shift up at about 4000 rpm, except on freeway on ramps when i'd wind it out to the redline.

I am not sure if i will be able to make the car go because i find it confusing because of these different techniques. So this is what would i do in my driving lessons to get the car moving.

1step push clutch in and start the car.

2step push clutch in then put the car in first gear.

3rd step while i am holding my clutch in I apply a bit of gas and release the clutch slowly.

4th step when my clutch is fully released i apply more gas.

Would i be doing it right if i was doing it like this.

And one more question? You know when car reviews review a car and test how fast it can go in mph or kph with full throttle how do they know when to shift say if the car has 9000 RPM how do they know when to shift and at which rpm to do it in.

Im not saying i dont know when to shift when i would just be cruising but just when people like stig from top gear knows at full throttle that all i need to know thanks.