> Just bought a car financing and it has electrical problems?

Just bought a car financing and it has electrical problems?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Take it back IMMEDIATELY and cancel the deal. They'll try to talk you into letting them fix it. If you do that, they'll try to wiggle out of the deal later claiming that the 3-day return period is over. We see this EVERY DAY on this forum. This seller obviously didn't check out the car and you didn't have it inspected by an independent mechanic before buying. LEARN YOUR LESSON on their dime. Cancel the deal.

And next time take the car to an independent shop BEFORE buying. It'll cost you $100 to have it inspected, but it avoids all these problems.

Take it back and count yourself lucky that you can. Also, refuse to pay any taxes and fees on the car a second time.

Thanks guys!!!!!! Gave it back, they tried persistently selling me another car but I refused. They we're getting annoying and rude

TAKE IT BACK NOW. Unless you can rewire it TAKE IT BACK !

Take it back.

Just bought a car which I'm financing, I have 3 days to bring it back, it's a 2004 Toyota corolla everything was fine and nice, now the problems are which I believe is electrical for example, the radio goes on then for a while it turns off, it turns on like out of the blue, the light inside which regularly turn on when there's a door open, gets turned on by itself even if all doors are closed, the odometer suppose ti light up when you turn your headlights on, well it turns on even with the headlight turned off, then tried to maneuver it but it'll go like opposite like I'll turn headlight on and the odometer goes off etc. this problem is like random not frequently but still . I know it's a 2004 car but it's very clean but this has got me worried scared on day it'll drain my battery , what should I do!?