> Jumping a car?

Jumping a car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Read this article on the dangers of jump starting a late model vehicle with computers in side. When you're done, I doubt you'll want to jump start anybody in the future


reversing the polarities may have caused your crank to spin in reverse. this could explain the smoke, however as you drove off i doubt there was any major damage

If the other car seemed fine and yours seems fine, you've got away with it. You wouldn't be the first, and you won't be the last.

when you crossed the wires, you shorted out a 24 volt system, the cables and alternators do not like that. id be surprised if the alternators still worked.

Possibly a fuse

The other day I jumped a car. Had everything hooked up correctly on my car but mixed + and - on the other car. More embarrassed than anything. But the dead vehicles engine started smoking a white smoke. I immediately turned my car off and corrected my mistake and the smoke stopped. After a few minutes the other car started and drove off and seemed to be fine. I ve just been a little concerned that I accidentally caused some sort of damage.

I ve jumped dozens of cars so I felt pretty dumb. Would feel awful if I ruined something.