> Is this a normal temperature for my car or is it running hot? (Pics included)?

Is this a normal temperature for my car or is it running hot? (Pics included)?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The normal range for an engine to run at sits between 195 degrees and 220 degrees Fahrenheit with the usual coolant mix of antifreeze and water. Yours is fine, that's why the needle is in the middle of the range.

I don't know that the other temperature gauge is either, but I too suspect it might be transmission temperature

210 is normal. You'll notice the needle is in the middle of the gauge. That's where it's supposed to be. The redline is at 260, but if it were my car, I'd stop it if it got past the thick white line that. (That would be 235)

Water boils at 212 degrees. Antifreeze raises the boiling point of the water, as does pressurizing the cooling system. You're not even to the normal boiling point of water yet.

I can't tell you what the other gauge is for without seeing a picture. If I had to guess, I'd say transmission temperature, but that's just a guess. Maybe someone who drives an identical truck will help on that one.

I don't know where all these people come from thinking 210 is normal. 190 is normal. I don't know how many times I've told people to read the owners manual. Everything is in the book. READ IT.


FYI, there is a thick book rectangular in shape that resides in the glove box, it's called an owner's manual READ IT!!

Your car has a 195 degree thermostat. The ONLY way to figure out exactly what is going on is for a Chevrolet dealer or trusted private mechanic to test the coolant temperature behind the thermostat on the thermostat housing with an infra-red thermometer. This test is quick and accurate.

Is it normal for my Denali temperature gauge to be around the 210 mark when running (lower right hand side of pic)? I never paid attention before. Is it running hot? I've been having a few issues with it not running good so I want to make sure it's not going overheat on me. I also have another temperature gauge on the other side near the RPM one, that one was around 150 running. What's that one for? Lol sorry I don't know much about cars. Just need to know if this is normal temp or I should have it looked at.