> Is there ANYWAY I can get a replacement vehicle?

Is there ANYWAY I can get a replacement vehicle?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
It's the Insurance Co's call as to whether they repair or write off the vehicle.

They are not going to pay out $29k on a vehicle that has say $5,000 in damage. If the damage starts to get close to the cars vaue, then they usually write it off and pay you the assessed value

Unfortunately this is a business decision, your feelings about your new car being damaged are not covered. Understandable you're upset about your new car being dented up, but you insured the car, not your feelings.

That's too bad. If you don't want it, get it repaired and sell it. You are not entitled to a replacement vehicle. At best, you will receive the fair market value of the vehicle. That probably isn't enough to pay off your loan, unless you bought gap coverage.

1st thing to do is report the accident to your insurance company; secondly, see if there were any witnesses and/or if you can find out where the truck was coming from ( dropping off a load at a business nearby or ??? ) ........you will still have to pay for the vehicle until it's paid off, so you may as well do all that you can to help your insurance company

PS - how did you know that an 18 wheeler was the culprit ?? did you notice the trucking name, trailer color, or anything that could be beneficial ???

If you had full coverage than you will not get what you paid for the purchase but the value of the car at the time; sometimes that's more or less. If you had liability, you are screwed.

That's what you buy insurance for.

Even so I'm guessing there will be a big gap between what you paid for it and what they think it is worth; and yes you still have to keep up the repayments

I just started financing a 2011 Infiniti g37 for 29k before taxes and fees and interest. I haven't even had it for three weeks. When it was legally parked outside my work and a semi tried to run it over. Severe rear end driver's panel damage and some bent bits. It was a hit and run. The driver left. I had aspirations to tune it. And after this, I don't even want the car. I don't want it "fixed" and still pay full price. Is there anything I can do?