> Is my car safe to drive?

Is my car safe to drive?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
No it's not safe.

You don't how how bad the damage is. The tyre could blow out. A cracked suspension arm could break. You could cause an accident and kill someone.

You can probably get a second hand rim and a used tire fitted cheap enough, and have the tire shop guys have a quick look under the car to check for any other damage. The wheel alignment is probably out as well,

Is it possible for the tire to fall off while I'm driving, or even the axel? Yes, absolutely

Also.. Is it free to at least have my car looked at? Any shop should do a free estimate of repairs and perhaps work with you on a payment plan. You need to get this fixed NOW, not later.

Please don't it can cost you more money worse yet a life I had this happen to me I drove it home and parked it . the shop told me I was lucky to even get it home it was hanging by a thread if a possibility hit a salvage yard and get parts and a wheel cheaper for now know it sucks be with out a car good luck

If it is wobbly it is not safe and you should not even think about driving it before fixing it .It will cost you more in the end if you delay and keep driving as it is .

I drive a 2001 Pontiac Sunfire and one night while I was driving home in the dark and rain, I accidentally ran over a curb. Now my car is extremely wobbly. I don't know what happened to it, but the front passenger side tire almost looks as if it was bent out of place a little. I was able to drive home safe, it's just more difficult to steer because the tire is wobbling. I can't afford to get it fixed but I still need to drive my car in order to get to and from work. Is it possible for the tire to fall off while I'm driving, or even the axel? Also.. Is it free to at least have my car looked at?