> Is it weird that i drink the dirty water from radiators?

Is it weird that i drink the dirty water from radiators?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes it is weird and would be very dangerous if you have put anti-freeze into the water tank, which is poisonous. You would very likely die as a result. Why would you want to drink the water from the radiators, have you seen the state of it when the rads are drained down. Yuk!

No. That is a survival skill usually applied to stranded vehicle travelers.

If you like the taste let me suggest purchase of Anchor Steam Beer as

made in San Francisco, California.

Some people will drink poison. Antifreeze is poison so take a sip from my radiator. It will be the last thing you do. Dead like a road cat. And there is NO Cure.

Its all the wrong approach i guess try to use tap water.

LOL...dopey me...I thought you said that you went out for a drink with a guy named Ray Diator. That would be okay, the other thing...no so much!

yeah u must be suicidal bc ur going to die, also u no longer have a working kidney

Yes! Now that irresponsible YAHOO has your name they should recommend a full medical mental work-up.


Yes, vomiting and headaches mean it is weird.

Yes it is a dangerous practice that can destroy your health

that is very weird scene.

You should go outside and collect the water from the sewers and drink it. It will counteract any problems you may have had with the radiator water.

Yes it is a little strange.

Why would you want to drink the water from the radiators, have you seen the state of it when the rads are drained down.

I know that a raccoon and dogs like the taste of radiator water

Yes, vomiting and headaches mean it is weird.

Never drink radiator water with anti freeze fluid as radiator fluid is toxic and may cause death.

Nah. Keep drinking. Hopefully the water will kill the stupid brain cells in your noggin to prevent you from asking any question.

Hopefully Charles Darwin's theory of the survival of the fittest will take over, and we hear no more !

yes it will be very useful in a zombie apocalypse as you will be going around empty the radiators who cares about the stores your survival is guaranteed lol

Very weird since antifreeze is highly toxic. Most people who drink it die within 72 hours.

First of all, unhealthy. Try to move on to tap water before it's too late.

I would think so because that water is NOT filtered and probably more dangerous to drink than filtered water.

I give this a 5/5 for making me cringe.

Yes and very dangerous, since it contains anti-freeze which is a poison

No, it's fine. You have realised that it's dangerous so go right ahead.

your kidding right you learned how o seperate water from antifreeze go on drink the water antifreeze will destroy your liver,kiddneys and then you die goodbuy

Not the brighter star in the universe - If you know what I mean.

Weird for sure, but trolls are indeed sad and weird.

It's not true. Don't give idiots bad ideas.