> Is it possible to get a new transmission for an older car, if so, how much would it cost?

Is it possible to get a new transmission for an older car, if so, how much would it cost?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
A transmission rebuild runs $1,500 to 2.200. If it's working, don't invite trouble. Drive it until it fails.

can't get new transmissions any more only rebuilt from transmission shop, remanufactured from a supplier or junk yard. find local shop at ATRA.COM for more info/help

A transmission oil change and filter should be all you need. The transmission should be like new, and an oil change is just about due. Don't get talked into a flush, unless it is with transmission fluid. Go to a transmission specialist.

The cost is more than the car is worth

Rebuilt transmissions for a Taurus should be very easy to find. Another possibility would be getting a junkyard transmission, but you might be buying problems you don't have right now if you do.

I'm looking at buying a 2003 Ford Taurus with 85,000 miles on it. No, there are no transmission problems. I'm just thinking that if it were done now, that could add a lot of life onto the vehicle. And it would make sense because my estimate is that a new transmission is less that what this car is worth. The car is 5K.