> Is it okay to wipe off dust at the back of my tv?

Is it okay to wipe off dust at the back of my tv?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
The back of my tv has vents and is full of dust, and is it okay if I just wipe it off with my hands? I don't want the dust getting in the vent.

dont worry keep it clean use a damp rag and wipe it off.. I bet their is so much dust down the vents already it would concern you. If you are REALLY concerned take a vacuum to it every so often

This is the first time you've ever had dust on your tv?

Ever hear of a vacuum cleaner?!!

Use the vacuum with the pussy attachment.

The back of my tv has vents and is full of dust, and is it okay if I just wipe it off with my hands? I don't want the dust getting in the vent.