> Is it okay to use winter tyres during the summer?

Is it okay to use winter tyres during the summer?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Winter tyres will wear more quickly than summer tyres at temperatures above 7°C.

Winter tyres will not give as much grip in the dry at temperatures above 7°C as comparable summer tyres. That being said, good winter tyres (Pirelli, Goodyear, Michelin, Fulda, etc.) will probably provide more grip than bad (i.e. most cheap Chinese-import tyres) summer tyres.

However you should always bear in mind that the tyres are the only part of your car that actually touches the road, and that your ability to steer and brake depends on them, so you should always buy the best tyres you can afford.

Not the best idea, Michael. I know you are on a budget but don't force yourself to buy tyres that are not appropriate. Winter tyres wear very quickly in temps above 50 degrees or so. They also have extremely poor traction in wet weather conditions.

Hi the only issue as driver will be road noise as the winter tyres have a deeper tread cut. so tend to be a bit noisy on hot tarmac.

There is no harm using winter tires in summer. Usually a waste since they generally cost a little more than summer ones but no harm at all if you use them

Do not buy used tyres. EVER!!!!!

Winter tyres are designed for the winter and thats it so i'd buy new summer tyres. Buying used tyres is a bad idea no matter what the budget is. Just saying

They will wear out very quickly then you will need new winter tires too. Keep looking, check you local salvage yards for used tires too, maybe even on rims.

sure you can use winter tires but check with the laws in your state ! if you have studded tires then here in PA you have to have them off by april 15 th !

The tread will melt off on hot dry pavement.

Many of these answers are from people who are guessing. No the winter tyres won't melt or blow out but noise is not the issue. They do wear very fast in summer conditions so this is a bad idea.

I use winter tyres because we get lots of snow but on a spare set of wheels and I change them as soon as it gets warm. Otherwise you lose mm of tread in a few months.

Considering relatively few UK motorists have two sets of tyres, one for winter and one for summer (in fact i myself have never met anyone in the UK that has) and that you are on a tight budget, don't buy winter tyres. They wear quickly on dry warm roads. Unless you live in a part of the country that usually has challenging road conditions in the winter look for 4 Season Tyres or summer tyres. Strangely enough some tyres will suit a particular car model better than other tyres. Avoid el cheapo, no name you have ever heard of, Chinese tyres. Cheap yes, nasty yes, road holding very iffy. The tyre compound and tread on winter tyres is very different on winter tyres than that on Summer ones.

All my car tyres need replacing. I'm on a tight budget and I need tyres asap. I found a good deal locally for 4 new tyres, however they are winter tyres.

Is it okay to use winter tyres during the summer? Are there any dangers?

They handle heat very poorly and may blow out on the freeway. Around town that is not an issue but they will wear rapidly.