> Is it my battery or my starter?

Is it my battery or my starter?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
2008 Most likely the battery is original one. Usually a battery last about 5 years then kisses its cookies.

I am running a 2007 Honda still on original battery and expecting it to fail any day....with the click, click, click.

Batteries cost what you pay for them. Wal Mart cost probably your best deal unless you got a Lordco Auto Parts store. Phone around.

. As it did work, says the starter and solenoid work but battery is almost gone. You can tow it to a shop and they will tell you the same thing. But you got to pay for the towing. The car is not old enough to be classed as "older" IMO.

Click, click , click gives me the impression it's the solenoid. Give it a hit with a hammer and it might let go. if it isn't that try the battery connections. Alternately, you could put a voltmeter on the battery and see what it reads while you are trying to start it. A good battery should hold at 9 or 10 volts while trying to start it.

could be a bad earth

Well a few things to do first if the motor is able to crank the engine well being boosted than the starter works. I recommend checking how old the battery is if it's more than 3 years old its a high chance it's toast btw make sure to clean the terminals of any acid

I have a 2008 mustang and everytime I try to start it, it just goes click click click click. I tried to boost it off but it wont boost off. a woman helped me and plugged in something to an outlet and boosted me off. but tonight I didnt have thst and tried to get boosted off by a car but it still wouldnt start. what could it be and if it is my starter what price am I looking at to get a new one?