> Is going through winter without oil change bad?

Is going through winter without oil change bad?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
i haven't changed my oil in about 40,000 miles in my 1997 Lincoln Town Car now that winter is coming would it be harder on the engine

I'm not sure if the 40k miles was a typo or being serious but to keep the engine running in good shape is to change oil every 3k to 5k miles. Oil that has been used for 40,000 miles probably caused a lot of wear and tear on the engine

Whether that's a typo or you really mean 40,000, change the oil and filter now then it's done and dusted. Simple.

40,000 miles? And your engine still runs? You are supposed to change it every 3000 regardless of what the oil manufacturers say.

Winter doesn't matter with modern mult-weight oils (all XXwXX). But you do need to change the oil according to the manual's recommended interval.

You need an oil change BEFORE Winter. Slow in-town driving does not get rid of condensation inside the crankcase.

A sixteen year old girl drives a Lincoln Town car?

Seems strange to me that you don't worry about the 40K and no oil change, but now you worry about winter.......

The answer is YES. EVERY DAY you delay it means more unnecessary wear on your engine, no matter WHAT time of year.

Since you didn't care to change it for 40,000 why should suddenly care about winter?????

Yes it will be harder. But if you havent changed it in 40,000 miles, i doubt you really care.

you need an oil change regardless of the coming season, you are more than due for one

i haven't changed my oil in about 40,000 miles in my 1997 Lincoln Town Car now that winter is coming would it be harder on the engine

yes. your oil is sludge by now.