> Is Sea Foam the same as Marvel Mystery Oil?

Is Sea Foam the same as Marvel Mystery Oil?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
If your car runs, don't mess around with canned crap. The one and only time Sea Foam makes sense is when you want to clean out a very old very crudded-up engine as one last attempt to make it run or take it to the junk yard. Not knowing oil from solvent is dangerous. In addition to easily catching fire, solvents will go through your skin like water through a screen door.

If it was the same there would only be one name for both products.

one is a solvent and the other is an "oil"

they do both work for cleaning similar things in your engine but they are as different as oil and water, literally

no, or it would be called marvel mystery oil.

Both products which are entirely different are made by two completely different companies.

No. What are you trying to fix with stuff in a can?