> Insurance Company not willing to pay for damage?

Insurance Company not willing to pay for damage?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Looking at picture it would appear ( easy to be wrong here but without expert close examination is open to conjecture )

From initial impression they flaking off casing material shows impact damage from inside casing.

If this is the case? Then insurance company is correct in refusing claim for this component.

An engineers report is needed to ascertain if the casing damage etc us a result if external or internal incident.

This report would then either give us a basis for having our claim paid or have us paying for own repairs.

Do you have collision coverage? If not they definitely won't pay. If you do have it, the problem you're running into here is mechanical problems aren't usually covered unless there is a clear accident - I'm guessing you didn't file an accident report after this incident. That said - it's hard to imagine a hole like that not coming from road debris, so it should be viewed as an accident - as long as you have coverage.

this is cast aluminuim. looking closely i see.The piece being broke out ward from a part failure would leave jagged edges as if something punched out, this is odd how there are uniform marks on the upper part. Its possible that this was done by a rock,But No your insurance will not pay for this. This is a major mech failure, if this is the bottom of the engine block, replacement of the entire engine is the only option, and is going to be in the 3000 to 4000 range if you have it done at the garage, I would look for a factory rebuild. Far cheaper can be sent right to the garage then have them swap, probly save a 1000 bucks.

Read the fine print of your policy. I think this not covered.

That sure looks like an inside-out impact, not from the road

I ran over some debris about 1 month ago and my cars been in shop since. I need some urgent help. My engine is screwed up and the insurance company isn't wanting to pay for any of the damages besides the scrapes on the bumper. After hitting the object in the road the car was smoking. They have sent some pictures saying the hole thats in the engine wasn't caused from the impact. I have written some comical questions on them due to there copies not having any description. I need some feedback on how this hole was caused and if anyone else has seen such a crazy thing before. I truly believe they are just doing whatever they can to not pay for the repairs.