> If you ignore a power steering leak what happens?

If you ignore a power steering leak what happens?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Have you ever drove a 1950 vehicle? It's all about the arms, if you don't have the strength to move the wheel you were screwed. Power steering is very important, a lot of people think they can drive an older vehicle while working the gears then when they actually try they either stall out the vehicle, don't turn enough and so on.

Besides the more this leak continues it could get worse and then you would have to replace the whole power-steering module. Which that would be like replacing all your brakes, the fuel tank with the pump, rotors, and wheel bearings. Looking at a almost $1500 charge to replace the power-steering module.


Power steering would come under a Hydraulic unit which is sealed and contains Pistons that move because of Displacement of oil.

if there's a leak...the leak is causing the system to be exposed to AIR.

1. all the oil leaks out and you'll be Moving Pistons inside the Steering chamber without oil....will tend to Seize.

2. when the piston pumps oil....it being exposed...due to the leak will cause Air bubbles to form inside, not a good thing.

3. also, Maximum chances of a Vacuum being created...which will lock the Steering without Warning.....Worst condition.

do get it checked immediately.

and the brakes, again very important.

fuel tank leaking....you need to be in a Walking condition in-order to use the fuel in the tank.

Without steering and brakes, its not a safe vehicle.

Eventually (1 mile or 100, no way to tell) you'll run out of power assistance for the steering, which makes it virtually un-steerable, with obvious consequences.

Be aware that there's a huge difference between the effort in steering an old car that never had PAS and a new one with failed PAS. Even a very strong man may not be able to turn the wheel even when he's expecting it to fail. If it suddenly fails as you're going round a bend at any kind of speed, you're going straight to the scene of the crash, do not pass Go, do not collect £200.

You will go from power steering to manual its hard to turn and if you wreck that oil change is far less important Anything that controls the vehicle is more important then an oil change

Hope it helps


Steering may quit,pump may run out of oil and seize up leaving you stranded or in a wreck.

just keep filling it with oil or better yet find the leak. it may be simple as a hose

Power steering is leaking but I have to fix the more important stuff first (brakes....Oil change, and fuel tank leaking!)

power steering has recently leaked. what happens if I don't do anything about it