> If you have a car with automanual transmission, and shift at 5-6000 rpm, will it do damage to the engine or transmission

If you have a car with automanual transmission, and shift at 5-6000 rpm, will it do damage to the engine or transmission

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
generally it will be OK and cause no problems, there will be a rev limiter that stops the engine revving to high to cause lasting damage

advice from people that understand these things is usually not to rev >3k rpm until the engine has warmed up properly

It's putting added wear on the moving parts of your engine and transmission.

It's not a "stick shift" option - it's an automatic with a pretend manual mode. It doesn't even remotely simulate driving a car with a manual transmission.

So - to your question - it's not going to damage it per se, but everything you do that's harder on the vehicle will take it's toll over time. When you accelerate hard, shift hard, brake hard, everything will need work sooner than doing all of those things at a smooth relaxed pace. You will also see a big difference in gas mileage.

In reality these automanual modes are mostly worthless. If you put the car in drive the computer will make better decisions than you will - any magazine that's ever compared the acceleration of a car like this in each mode has found that the manual mode rarely improves the acceleration, and it often is worse because the computer is making more of an informed decision than the driver would.

On a winding hilly road you can have some fun and shift yourself, but in normal day to day traffic just put it in drive.

difficult task browse on the search engines that will might help

I have 2 cars, a 2007 Toyota Camry and a 2010 Lexus rx350. Both have the stick shift option. If your driving around in first or second gear and it gets up to 5-6000 rpm, what will that do to your engine? And is it bad for the car? It's a automatic with a stick option btw