> I think I'm getting ripped off!?

I think I'm getting ripped off!?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I fail to understand why people think their insurance will go up every time they make a claim. It's time for you to get yours involved. Or as an alternative, since she didn't claim either, tell her to eff off. She'll either involve her insurance at that point or take you to small claims. Then she can prove to the judge how much a mirror costs.

Screw the "B"! She has no way of making you pay with out a police report. You can buy used mirror assemblies for $75 at any auto recycling facility and it takes less than an hour to install it.


Offer her $150. to have it fixed or let your insurance company handle it.

different mirrors cost different. some have electronic motors and heaters in them. or turn signals... but im not sure if 1000 is correct.. that's a price from a dealer maybe lol lol not a do it yourselfer price.. other wise they are way over charging you...... whats going on is ur young..they hoping to get some money out of this, personaly these things must be reported right away to insurance companys but since u didn't and u decided to settle it yourselfs now this is a civil matter.. cops cant make u pay but the lady can try sueing you for the money... which puts you in a very bad cituation. if she dont no ur name or the liscense plate number id just ignore her or send couple hundred bucks... other wise call ur insurance company and explain the cituation... hopefully you have her information also.... obviously if you dont have each others name and stuff then nethier can sue the other or file to insurance company's. she is ethier trying to bluff u to get you to pay up the money or she actualy contacted her insurance company already and is tryin to get double pay day hahah/ id really advise u to contact ur insurance company.. unless as i said she dont have ur name or anything.... some people will threaten and scare u all day long but will never actualy sue u or take it any further... she just wants the money..

atleast with a police report she cant say u hit and run... cause the police got a report with u both in it... so that should cover ur butt there.. but still she could or have already reported the accident.... u need to do the same also... especialy if she is involving her insurance company as she told u . (i think its a scam to get money from you)

what im worried about is if she really reported it but told u not to.. then u didn't report it yet and ur insurance company could denie paying the fee now.... just contact ur insurance since she did too.. but u might be in trouble.. she would have to sue you to get the money but even then you can pay it over time.. slowly..... 5 dollars here or there just say you dont have any extra money haha.

Obviously you are going to have to let your insurance company deal with it.

If you do your own work and buy a good used part at the junk yard the job can be done for $40-$80. When you knocked off the side mirror you might have also caused more damage to the auto body it is mounted on. Heck, just a week ago my friend cut a corner too short when driving his big tractor around his Oldsmobile. His Oldsmobile has a fiberglass body. He tore his car up pretty good.

That seems like a really big rip off. You are right. However, if she is saying that by breaking the mirror you scratched up the paint or whatever that's another story. I hope you have some sort of paperwork from the police. I would also remind her of the agreement and you may want to contact the police to talk to the officer that was there. But $1000 for a mirror and even minor paint scratches would not be completely out of the ball park.

Tell her there's no way you will be paying that much. They're less than $50 and would take 1/2 hour to fit. Here's one http://www.ebay.com/itm/Scion-05-10-TC-P...

yes,of course u are....why do u want to pay?????????????

So about 3 weeks ago I accidentally took off someones mirror in a parking lot. She was super nice about it and said that I shouldn't let it ruin my day and the police man that came said he didn't even need to put in an official report because it happened in a parking lot. We exchanged info and took pictures and she said she would call me on the weekend. We both sort of agreed to settle it outside of insurance because I would rather not have my insurance go up. She said her family fixed cars and for me "not to worry about it" and she would call me THAT weekend. She finally called me tonight (3 weeks later) and is saying she had her insurance company appraise it and its going to cost "OVER A GRAND". How the hell is that? A car mirror costs $40-$80 and with family pricing for hours worked I have no idea how it would ever end up costing $1000 dollars. Should i just call my insurance company. I have to be being ripped off right? Especially after we verbally agreed not to get insurance involved. Her car is an '05 scion, and kind of a junky one at that. She could buy a whole new car with 1000 dollars + selling her car. What should I do? It's stressing me out and I have nowhere near 1000 because I'm young and don't make very much money. She sounded all cool about it like it was no big deal but $1000 is sure a big deal to me!!!