> I put $800 down on a car today. Had to drive it to a different location to do the finanacing paperwork. When?

I put $800 down on a car today. Had to drive it to a different location to do the finanacing paperwork. When?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
They'll say you had a contract. But a contract isn't a contract until all the details are on the table and everyone agrees to them. In this case, you didn't agree to the financing. If them providing financing was part of the deal, then you never agreed to all the terms. Return the vehicle IMMEDIATELY--tonight!

Do everything Gasby said.

And NEVER agree to drive a car or put a down payment until you've read ALL the papers and agreed to all the details. You never should have driven this car off the lot.

Wow, that is insane, even for the most shady car lot.

Take the car back, bring a witness with you, they don't need to say anything, just there to witness you dropped off the car.

Take pictures of the car before you drop it off. Clean everything out of it, don't leave a gum wrapper in there.

Drop off a letter. Dear Dealer, I have decided not to purchase the Year, make, model car.

I have returned it to your lot at 1234 ABC St. I dropped off the keys with your staff member ________________. Please mail my $800 refundable deposit to my address Street, city, state, zip within three business days. Or if you would like me to pick up the check please call me and tell me when it will be ready for me to pick up. If you need to contact me I can be reached at X.

Keep a copy for yourself.

If they don't pay send another letter, then call the general manger, leave a message, call then next day, then if they balk or don't call you back, then call the states dealer licensing office to file a complaint. Don't tell them you are doing that. Holding good faith deposits is a big no-no.

Don't get upset or yell, just be direct, short and firm. Once they realize they are not going to be able to rip you off for 16,000 they will pay you back.

DO NOT have any discussion about some other deal. Don't have any discussions on how bad a deal that was, trust me they know EXACTLY how bad it was, they wrote it up.

Give the car back and get your $800 back. If you can't get your $800 back, do not keep the car, if you didn't sign anything then you owe them nothing. In the future avoid predatory dealerships like this that take advantage of people with poor credit.

I don't get it! blu book is $4018, and what is the price that you agreed to pay? Did you discuss it at all before jumping into the car and driving away? If you agreed to pay $20,000 then blu book is not very relevant...

Yeah they may try to screw you for sure, cancel that $800 check now. Return it like gatsby said maybe even take a picture or video handing the keys back to someone who works there.

I put $800 down on a car today. Had to drive it to a different location to do the finanacing paperwork. When I got there they wanted $400 a month for 51 months. The blu book is $4018. I didnt sign anything because thats insane, I still have the car, What should I do?