> I'm stuck in my car?

I'm stuck in my car?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
I'm stuck in my car and it won't open I can't get help

WTH? You say you have power windows, power locks and the battery is dead? Where is Lassie when you need her?

Pull the door handle.

Hit a side window with the hardest thing you own.Just be careful not to cut your scalp.Now slowly crawl out of the car safely onto the ground.Depending on where you're at attempt to locate a house to call for help. Wait,you forgot you're cell phone and computer.

Return to car,do not collect $500.27.

Did you lock your keys outside your car. That is a problem.

Try opening the door.

Well, you obviously have a phone or computer...Why not e-mail mommy and daddy to come get you out?

You will have to use your cell phone to call for help otherwise you are doomed.

blonde right

do you have any randy newman? try youtube

I'm stuck in my car and it won't open I can't get help