> I'm a girl, developing love for stick shift/manual cars.. Where do I start?

I'm a girl, developing love for stick shift/manual cars.. Where do I start?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Do not buy a British car. There are plenty of decent Japanese cars that are reliable and stick. You have to search a little. Miattas are actually very easy to drive. Ask your friend if she will teach you. I owned one auto in 30 years, then bought one when I turned 50 because I thought I was too old for stick. I drove it for three months, hated it, and gave it to my kid.

Teaching someone to drive clutch takes patience and you need to know how to teach. I got my other kid a Mazda 3 about a month ago. I taught him for 40 minutes, and now he's doing fine. If you are looking for a decent, economical, reliable stick that's fun to drive, try the Mazda 3. Plus they are nice looking.

A basic stick shift pattern is an H. Upper left is reverse, straight down to lower left is 1st, the cent of the H is neutral, upper right is 2nd and lower right is 3rd.

That is the basic. More gears usually follow that pattern with added gears to the right.

what a rare love you have. some trucks have sticks. some american cars will have sticks ,mostly the little sporty 4 bangers will have that option or at leasty your chancs of finding a stick will be better by looking in that catergory. look around you will find one. as for workingon the car, tools you know are amust. you can gain a lot by purchasing manual for your car or truck and fix it from the book.

You've good taste. Manual gearboxes give you total control when driving.

Most British cars have stick shift. You could start there.

So my friend has a miata and the first time I she drove me it was amazing. The speed. The adrenaline. And ofc the stick shift. That's how I started my interest. I'm so curious and interested, but my family is so lame! No one knows how to drive a stick except my dad. And he's too busy to show me parts and work on cars and show me different kind of cars and stuff... Help? So where should I start I guess?? Idk, is this a lame question? If I love this would I need to ask where to start? Sorry..