> I estimate 89% of people will go to hell and 11% to paradise . what is your estimate?

I estimate 89% of people will go to hell and 11% to paradise . what is your estimate?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
100% of people will die. I also estimate that 100% of those dead people will have no opinion, and wont know where they are because they will be F***ing dead.

Here... this should blow your mind. If God loves all his "children" and love is about forgiveness then there is absolutely no reason to think that God wouldn't forgive absolutely everyone. Which would mean 100% of people would go to "paradise" because God loves all of us and will forgive all of us.

I would love it if people lived life for life, and not for what might come after their life... that's no way to live at all.

I estimate you need to see an English teacher and an psychologist. You see, this has nothing to do with Cars and Transportation but appears to be a subject not covered by Yahoo!Answers. The pscychologist could help as to your illogical thinking. The English teacher can cover the rules as to grammar. Each sentence stars with a capitalized word. Lots of issues for such a tiny brain. If you ever have a question as to the maintenance and repairs of cars or of any mode of transportation, please return to this section.

100% people will die and we won't even know it because we'll be dead. The end. That's the most reasonable answer.. there's no such thing as heaven or hell. It's only in your own mind. Good day. :)

Hi so do you really still believe al that old nonsense. we have no evidence either is a place. as no one has come back to tell us the truth.

Dude, you're in the wrong thread.

0 percent for both

Dear godless,You are a spirit trapped in a fleshly body.When your body dies yor spirit will leave you body.Yes heaven and Hell do exist.There are proven examples of people who have died and gone to heaven and hell! Please let Jesus into your life. For life is eternal !! SPEND IT IN HEAVEN MAKE JESUS YOUR LORD BEFORE ITS TOO LATE PLEASE!!!

We are all in hell right now.