> I drive a ford fiesta and if I hit a tree at 70mph without my seat belt would I survive the impact?

I drive a ford fiesta and if I hit a tree at 70mph without my seat belt would I survive the impact?

Posted at: 2015-01-07 
Yes you would survive..right up to the point where the tree pushes the engine, steering gear, some parts of the front axle and all the smaller engine parts right through the fire wall into the driving compartment which, of course, you would be sitting in. You would survive a split second before your skull and brain were smashed into the windscreen, your sternum and chest were compressed into your spine by the steering column, and your hips and upper and lower legs were broken into several smaller parts by the engine block coming through and hitting them....not even an airbag will help at 70 mph.........sorry ..you're dead. You may just have time to say 'Oh f........

Agreed. You would be very lucky to survive such an accident. The NHTSA has found that a combination of seat belt and airbag reduces fatalities in frontal impacts by 61%--so buckle up!

If you were to survive, which is highly unlikely, you would be a vegetable, or paralyzed. Why would you ask such an inane question? Try it, and come back to us with the results. Or, will I be reading your obituary and the newspaper account of the accident?

If it was a big tree and the impact was on the drivers side, then it's unlikely that you would survive.

you would survive the cars impact with the tree but probably not your impact with the car

It depends on the size of the tree.

Even with a seatbelt you most likely will not survive